Sunday, September 16, 2012

breakfast of champions

One of my favorite things to have for breakfast is sauteed kale with runny-yolked eggs on top and a drizzle of Sriracha.

Mmmm, buddy.


  1. Yes! Kale with eggs and Sriracha is indeed a champion breakfast. Great photo there.

    Have you tried this variation? A thin slice of toasted rye bedding the kale, the kale cooked with some cubed pancetta, sprinkled with whatever kind of vinegar works for you, and then the soft yolked egg on top with lots of (I see you know how to do it!) pepper.

    Just discovered your blog tonight via a link from Rav. I'll be back, reading on and off all week. - clepro

  2. That does sound good, but I don't eat grains, so I'd have to skip the rye toast (which happens to be my favorite). :)
